Kraft & Schrott Blog

January 18, 2023

4 Things a Dentist Would Never Put in Their Mouth

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 9:49 am
A woman chewing on ice

Like many, you may think oral care boils down to brushing, flossing, and rinsing teeth daily. However, the truth is that caring for your pearly whites involves more than just those tasks. In particular, you also need to keep harmful things out of your mouth. You could end up with a dental emergency otherwise! As for what these objects might be, your local Boston dentist can give you some ideas. Here is a summary of four things you should never put in your mouth and why they’re dangerous for smiles.


November 12, 2022

5 Popular Holiday Foods That Can Hurt Your Teeth

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 4:50 pm
Thanksgiving stuffing with a garnish on a wooden table

One of the most enjoyable parts of the holiday season is all the delicious food that you get to enjoy. But as tempting as it might be to just indulge to your heart’s content, you should be careful; many well-known holiday foods can put your oral health at risk if you’re not careful. Below is a list of foods you should watch out for if you want to keep your smile safe throughout the festivities.


October 7, 2022

4 Tips for Protecting Your Smile When You Have a Sweet Tooth

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 12:32 am
Donuts, cupcakes, and other foods high in sugar

Sugar leads to cavities; you’ve probably been hearing that from dentists ever since you were a child. However, when you have a sweet tooth, staying away from sugar is easier said than done. But you don’t have to give up on sweets to keep your smile safe! Here are 4 tips that can help you prevent cavities despite your love of sugar.


September 22, 2022

Why a Broken Denture is a Dental Emergency

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 12:39 am
Hand holding broken dentures for the lower arch

If your dentures break, it might not feel like an emergency at first; after all, prosthetic teeth don’t hurt when they’re damaged. But make no mistake, a broken denture is an urgent dental problem that needs to be addressed immediately. The following post explains why you should call your dentist right away if your dentures are damaged.


September 7, 2022

How Long Will It Take to Get Dentures?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 4:05 pm
Man with new dentures sitting and smiling on couch

If you have multiple teeth you need to replace, dentures are an excellent way to fill in your smile so that you can eat and speak normally again. Unfortunately, dentures aren’t made overnight; it will take some time before your new teeth are ready. Exactly how long will you need to wait for your dentures, and what will the process look like? Here’s what you can generally expect.


August 23, 2022

What to Do If You Have a Loose Tooth as an Adult

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 1:17 pm
Man in denim jacket outside and smiling

As a child, having a loose tooth is nothing to be worried about. But as an adult, it’s a major issue that you can’t afford to ignore. Permanent teeth aren’t supposed to come loose, but they might if you take a blow to your face or suffer from untreated gum disease. If you do have a loose tooth, you need to act quickly to avoid losing it altogether. Here are the basic steps you’ll need to follow.


August 11, 2022

3 Common Cosmetic Dental Flaws and How They Can Be Treated

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 12:34 am
Color-matching a woman’s smile for cosmetic dentistry

Many people don’t like smiling simply because they’re unhappy with the way their teeth look. Of course, what this means can vary from person to person, as there are many different kinds of cosmetic dental flaws. Below are 3 common examples of imperfections that you might have noticed in your own grin – as well as the treatments your dentist might suggest to fix them!


July 22, 2022

Is Tooth Pain Really a Sign of a Dental Emergency?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 12:26 am
Man in a checkered shirt rubbing jaw

You’re relaxing at home when you suddenly feel significant pain in one of your teeth. Do you need to call the dentist immediately? Or can you simply wait for it to subside? Sometimes it can be hard to tell for sure whether tooth pain is truly urgent or not, but if it is, you can’t afford to wait too long to call your emergency dentist for help. Here’s what you need to know to decide whether or not your toothache requires emergency attention.


June 15, 2022

Is Root Canal Therapy Only for Toothaches?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 8:54 pm
Woman with glasses on couch touching jaw

If your dentist tells you that you need root canal therapy even though your tooth doesn’t hurt, you might be confused at first. Isn’t the whole point of a root canal to put a stop to an infection that’s causing you pain? In many cases, the answer is yes – but pain is just one possible sign that root canal therapy might be necessary. The following post goes into more details about why root canal therapy is performed and what symptoms can tell a dentist that the treatment is necessary.


April 21, 2022

7 Must-Haves for Your Dental Emergency Kit

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 8:51 pm
Dental emergency kit next to tooth

When you have a tooth that has been injured or is in great pain, you need to make an appointment with your emergency dentist immediately. But how can you take care of your mouth before you get to the dentist’s office? The best thing you can do is make sure you’re well-prepared ahead of time with a dental emergency kit that has the basic essentials that you’ll need to deal with a wide variety of oral health issues. Below are 7 items that should definitely be part of every emergency kit.

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